Rental of Facilities Information
American Legion Dalzell-Shaw Post 175
PO Box 301
3625 Old Camden Hwy
Dalzell, SC 29040
DATE OF RENTAL:_________________ Cleanup must be accomplished by midnight
Renter Name:____________________________________Phone________________________
This contract is for the rental of Dalzell Shaw American Legion building located at 3625 Old Camden Highway.
The renter shall pay $200.00 in cash to use this hall and grounds per day. A $200.00 refundable deposit will also be collected at the time of rental. Deposits will be refunded by check, by mail after the building has been inspected. Canceling rental withing 30 days of the event will result in no refund of payment for the rental. The renter agrees to leave the hall and grounds in the same condition as found at the start of the rental. “American Legion” will not be used as part of any name of the event.
The requirements for use of this facility are as follows: Violations of these requirements will result in loss of deposit.
- The Hall is smoke & alcohol free. Tobacco use, including smokeless tobacco are prohibited.
- Fireworks or Pyrotechnics are prohibited, inside, outside and/or around the facility.
- All trash must be put in garbage cans during the function and after the function the garbage cans emptied. DO NOT throw garbage or decorations in the ditch behind the hall. All trash must be removed from the property by the renter.
- Tables and Chairs must be cleaned and returned to the state they were found in. Do not fold tables and do not stack chairs on the tables.
- Decorations shall be limited to tables only and only to the wood boards on the walls. Do not tape, staple, tack or nail anything to the walls or pictures. No confetti decorations allowed.
- Do not remove any pictures from the wall.
- The kitchen ovens and refrigerator should be clean and sanitary. DO NOT pour grease in the sink. The renter is responsible for turning off all lights and securing the building. Removal of all personal property, trash and any decorations from the premises.
Key must be returned within 24 hours of the event.
I have read the above contract and will abide by the rules. I hereby certify that I am of legal age and authorized to sign this contract:
Waiver of Liability:
A. Renter understands the Post is not responsible for the loss or damage to any equipment or supplies of the renter. American Legion will not be used as part of any name of the event.
B. In consideration of the right to use the American Legion Hall, renter, renter’s family, heirs, successors, representatives and or assigns to hereby release, forever discharge, and agree to hold harmless American Legion Post 175, its officers, agents, employees, representatives from any and all claims, demands, causes of action or suits whatsoever kind or nature as a result of injuries or damages arising directly or indirectly from the use of the facilities or activities conducted herein, except for claims based on the sole or willful negligence or misconduct on the part of the Legion or its agents.